Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Can i look for a job in Malaysia to live and work in Malaysia

Can i look for a job in Malaysia to live and work in Malaysia ?
I'm an Egyptian computer science graduate, i came to Malaysia last may and i loved the country entirely i actually prefer to live and work there more than the UAE( Dubai ) and the gulf which is Egyptians first option outside of Egypt. now here's my situation, I'm a computer science graduate, i'm currently studying for MCTS which is an accredited Microsoft certificate, i suppose it would be easier to actually get a job if i come and look for jobs while living in Malaysia, which i can do. now how long do you think i have to stay there to start working, and what do i need to learn to fit the general Malaysian job qualifications, and what advice can you give me generally about this whole thing ??? thanks
Malaysia - 1 Answers
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If you are a muslim and have an open mind, and respect other people's race and religion, you should have no problems.... Try writing to International companies operating in Malaysia [at Malaysia's MultiMedia corridor]. You must first have a employment contract from a local employer. This local employer [includes companies]has to apply for a work permit on your behalf - who have to satisfy several conditions related to labor and immigration rules and regulations. If successful, your employer will be issued with documents for you to enter Malaysia on a social visit visa ( to seek employment). Once in Malaysia, you meet up with your employer who will arranged to have the work permit endorsed in your passport. So, your first step is to find that employer. [ via google, find the companies....write to them ....or contact the companies operating in Egypt/UAE/Dubai which has branches in malaysia...]..and provide with them copies of your passport, passport size photos and qualifications.....and wait for them to tell you the good news.

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